1. There's a 1 in 3 chance police will never identify your killer if you're murdered in the US.

NPR reports that, "Criminologists estimate that at least 200,000 murders have gone unsolved since the 1960s."
NPR reports that, "Criminologists estimate that at least 200,000 murders have gone unsolved since the 1960s."

2. There are over 250,000 deaths a year due to medical error.
That's over 684 per day.
That's over 684 per day.

3. Over 80 million bacteria can be exchanged in one kiss.

Those who are in a long-term relationship are more likely to have the same types of microbiota present in their mouths.
Those who are in a long-term relationship are more likely to have the same types of microbiota present in their mouths.

4. The air you breathe in a train station is 15% human skin.

If you think leaving a train station will save you from inhaling skin, just know that about 80% of the floating specs you see in a sun beam are also skin.
If you think leaving a train station will save you from inhaling skin, just know that about 80% of the floating specs you see in a sun beam are also skin.

5. Speaking of skin, you'll shed about 40 pounds of it in your lifetime.

And your skin can shed at a rate of 500 million cells a day.
And your skin can shed at a rate of 500 million cells a day.

6. There's a jellyfish half the size of your pinkie that can killyou.

They're called Irukandji jellyfish, and they grow to be about a centimeter in body height. Jellyfish taxonomist Lisa Gershwin says that side-effects of their sting include pain that feels like someone is drilling through your back, sweats so bad that sheets have to be wrung out every 15 minutes, difficulty breathing, constant nausea and vomiting for up to 12 hours, and muscle restlessness to name a few.
They're called Irukandji jellyfish, and they grow to be about a centimeter in body height. Jellyfish taxonomist Lisa Gershwin says that side-effects of their sting include pain that feels like someone is drilling through your back, sweats so bad that sheets have to be wrung out every 15 minutes, difficulty breathing, constant nausea and vomiting for up to 12 hours, and muscle restlessness to name a few.

7. And there's a brain-eating amoeba that lives in lakes and rivers of the southern United States.

The single-celled organism travels up the nose to the brain, where it starts to break down the tissues.
The single-celled organism travels up the nose to the brain, where it starts to break down the tissues.

8. Thomas Hargrove, a homicide archivist, estimates that there are over 2,000 serial killers at large right now.

According to his records, there are over 27,000 murders that aren't even in FBI files.
According to his records, there are over 27,000 murders that aren't even in FBI files.

9. 20% of children report hearing voices.

Having an imaginary friend may be a child's explanation for hearing these voices.
Having an imaginary friend may be a child's explanation for hearing these voices.

10. If the sun exploded right now, you wouldn't know about it for another eight minutes.

The energy from the explosion would be traveling at the speed of light, which means it would take eight minutes and 20 seconds to travel from the sun to the Earth.
The energy from the explosion would be traveling at the speed of light, which means it would take eight minutes and 20 seconds to travel from the sun to the Earth.

11. Botflies are a type of insect whose larvae burrow under your skin.

During that time, you can see them move around underneath your flesh.
During that time, you can see them move around underneath your flesh.

12. Horned toads can squirt blood out of their eyes.

It's a very helpful way to get debris out of their eye.
It's a very helpful way to get debris out of their eye.

13. Oh, and some moths drink human blood.

Vampire moths feed on the blood of mammals, including humans. They can suck blood for up to 50 minutes.
Vampire moths feed on the blood of mammals, including humans. They can suck blood for up to 50 minutes.

14. When you die, your house cat is going to want to eatyou.

And if your cat doesn't, your gut flora might start taking over your body and colonizing your internal organs.
And if your cat doesn't, your gut flora might start taking over your body and colonizing your internal organs.

15. Speaking of disturbing pet facts, dogs like squeaky toys because they mimic the screams of their prey.

There's a theory that they rip the squeaker out of the toy because as long as it squeaks, the dog still thinks it's alive.
There's a theory that they rip the squeaker out of the toy because as long as it squeaks, the dog still thinks it's alive.

16. The dead outnumber the living 15 to 1.

In 1968, the dead outnumbered the living roughly 29 to1.
In 1968, the dead outnumbered the living roughly 29 to1.

17. Fresh urine is cleaner than spit.

Your pee has about 100,000 bacteria per ml, while your mouth has around 100 million bacteria per ml.
Your pee has about 100,000 bacteria per ml, while your mouth has around 100 million bacteria per ml.

18. You swallow one to two cups of mucus every day.

That's over 22 gallons a year!
That's over 22 gallons a year!

19. On average, you secrete 26 gallons of sweat into your bed per year.

Which means you sweat a little over one cup per day on average.
Which means you sweat a little over one cup per day on average.

20. The average bed has between 100,000 and 10 million dust mites.

But don't worry, they just want to eat your dead skin.
But don't worry, they just want to eat your dead skin.

21. Finally, 20% of coffee mugs have traces of fecal matter on them.  

In addition, 90% of coffee mugs are covered in germs.

In addition, 90% of coffee mugs are covered in germs.